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Lawn Renovation Work: Overseeding, De-Thatching, and Core Aeration

Core Aeration

Core Aeration

Here you can see the results of our core aeration. Those are small plugs of soil laying on the surface. In our experience, core aeration is one of the best investments you can make to improve the strength and quality of your yard.

Overseed Prep

Overseed Prep

Here we are prepping a yard to overseed. We start by mowing the yard short then we will aerate and verticut the yard before applying the seed.

Overseeding Prep

Overseeding Prep

The success of your overseeding project is vital to how well the yard was prepped. Just like painting, the prep work is often the most important step.

Overseeding prep

Overseeding prep

Here you can see just how bare this yard had become.

Overseeding prep

Overseeding prep

Here you can see a yard that has just been overseeded. If you look closely you will see that the verticutting (or slice-seeding) has been done in two intersecting patterns for best seed coverage.

More overseeding

More overseeding

By first mowing the existing lawn very short it allows nutrients and water to more easily reach the new seed. Also, we advise staying off the yard for 4-6 weeks, so it helps keep the grass height from becoming unmanageable.

Overseeding close up

Overseeding close up

Here you can see the windrows where the seed will lay ensuring optimal seed to soil contact and a planting depth of around 1/2".

Overseeding prep

Overseeding prep

Core aeration

Core aeration

Here is a close up view of an aerated section of a lawn. You will notice how many plugs there are on this small section. We use the best equipment to pull more plugs per square foot than most of our competitors.

Overseeding prep

Overseeding prep

This was a high-traffic area for the homeowner that had been abused for many years. Here you can see the care we take to overseed the entire area right up to existing landscaping.



Notice how much material is taken off before overseeding. This is a crucial step to overseeding success.

Overseeding prep

Overseeding prep

Highly shaded areas promote challenges as well. We will work with you to find the type of grass that will work best for your needs.



Here are some of the tools of the trade while overseeding. Two verticutters (slice-seeders).



Core Aeration

Core Aeration

We generally include core aeration into the price of every overseeding project, this makes us a bargain.

Hard at work

Hard at work

Here we are hard at work on another overseeding project.



By using powered verticutting equipment we can ensure optimal planting depth and soil contact.





We use the highest quality seed to guarantee weed-free results.





Here we are applying a starter fertilizer (available upon request)



Here is what the yard looks like immediately after overseeding. It is now up to the homeowner to keep up with the suggested watering schedule to ensure success.



De-thatching or simply "thatching" your yard is essentially a vigorous raking using a gas powered machine that pulls the thatch from the surface of the turf. Too much thatch buildup over time can severely damage a lawn.



You can see here how much thatch had built up on this yard. By removing this material the soil is opened up so that it can absorb nutrients and moisture better.



After pulling up the dead thatch material we vacuum up the debris and haul it away.





Here is a picture take about 2 weeks after overseeding. You can clearly see all the new grass starting to grow through.

Overseeding Results

Overseeding Results

Again, about 2 weeks after overseeding you can see significant new growth starting to push through.



Again, after about 2-3 weeks you will start to see how well the overseeding fills in and thickens your existing lawn.



Here is a close up view about 2 weeks after overseeding. You can clearly see how well the new growth is filling in the bare spots in the existing lawn.



Here are some more results from overseeding. This has been abot 4 weeks after seeding and is almost ready to be mowed for the first time.



After about 3 weeks you will see a noticeable difference. Keep watering your new grass and it will grow quickly.



Timing, preparation, and proper watering will ensure overseeding success.

Core Aeration

Core Aeration

Here we are performing a core aeration job. You can see here how many plugs we pull. Our aeration equipment pulls more plugs per square foot meaning it relieves more compaction.



This picture was taken right before we overseeded it. As you can see the lawn has thinned considerably in many spots.



Here is a picture of a yard we overseeded. This picture was taken about 7 days after overseeding. You can see the new grass starting to grow in many places. You can also see the area in the bottom right has very little growth because the sprinkler system was not hitting that area correctly. We worked with the homeowner to correct that and that area filled in quite nicely.



Here is another view of our seed growth about 1 week after we overseeded.



Here is another picture taken about 1 week after overseeding. You can start to see that light green "fuzz" starting to fill in the bare areas between the established turf areas.



Here is another shot taken about 10 days after overseeding. You can clearly see the new grass starting to fill in.



Here we are cleaning up the thatch with a lawn vacuum after we power-raked it.

Power-rake dethatching

Power-rake dethatching

Here we are cleaning up the thatch after power-raking. Notice how clean and vibrant the grass looks after being power-raked.

Thatch cleanup

Thatch cleanup



You can see here that even on this well-maintained yard thatch buildup can be significant.



Power-rake dethatching can help remove all the dead thatch material that is chocking your yard.

Overseeding Prep

Overseeding Prep

Here we are performing our overseeding work. We use verti-cutters at this stage to ensure that the seed is planted at the correct depth.



We always make two intersecting passes when overseeding to ensure the best coverage and the most natural looking results.



This yard has just been finished being overseeded. It is now up to the homeowner to water it appropriately.



Here you can see how thorough our overseeding is. We make sure to cover every square inch of your yard to ensure proper seed coverage.



Starter Fertilizer

Starter Fertilizer

Here we are applying a starter fertilizer to a newly seeded lawn. Available upon request.



Lawn Renovation

Lawn Renovation

Here is a close up of a lawn we just finished aerating and overseeding.

Professional equipment

Professional equipment

We use professional equipment specifically designed to give the best results.

Overseeding Prep

Overseeding Prep

Preparing your yard for overseeding is a critical step. It is best to cut the existing grass as short as possible to remove thatch and debris.

Shady areas

Shady areas

This yard always struggled because is was very shady. We worked with the homeowner to find a seed blend that would perform well in these conditions, and the lawn is looking beautiful now.



Here we are overseeding around the existing landscaping.

Renovation prep

Renovation prep

Again, the preparation is vital to success when renovating your lawn. By cutting the grass short first you ensure that there is less thatch to block nutrients from watering and sunlight to reach the soil. Also, we recommend not mowing for roughly 4 weeks. So by mowing short you help keep your yard under control while it grows.

Overseeding Prep

Overseeding Prep

Here we just finished an overseeding job for a long-time customer.

Core Aertion

Core Aertion

This is a close up view of our core aeration. These small plugs of soil are left on the surface where they will break down over time and slowly release nutrients back into the yard.

Core Aeration

Core Aeration

Planting Depth

Planting Depth

Our machines are calibrated to plant your new seed at the optimum depth and ensure the best seed-to-soil contact that is critical to successfully growing new grass.

Renovation Prep

Renovation Prep

This yard has just been prepped and aerated prior to overseeding.

Overseeding Prep

Overseeding Prep

There is a lot of work that goes into preparing your yard for overseeding. We don't just show up with a verti-cutter then leave your yard with clumps of thatch laying everywhere like some of our competitors. We will help you with every step including the initial low-mowing, overseeding and cleanup.

Overseeding Results

Overseeding Results

This yard was overseeded about 3 weeks prior to this picture being taken. The grass is starting to grow tall and will need its first cut soon.

Close up

Close up

Here is a close-up where you can clearly see how much new grass there actually is.

Overseeding Results

Overseeding Results

This yard had been overseeded about 3 weeks prior to this picture. If you look closely you will see a significant amount of new growth.

Overseed Result

Overseed Result

Here you can see the new growth from an overseeding job we completed about 3 weeks prior.

Up Close

Up Close

Here is an up-close view of how much new growth you can expect from our overseeding service. As you can tell it significantly helps to fill in thin areas.

Overseeding results

Overseeding results

Here is another picture showing how our overseeding helps to fill in thin yards.

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